Member Benefits


  • Watch free monthly live magic lectures and assembly meetings as part of our virtual Assembly V1.1. All lectures are recorded, so you can watch anytime,anywhere, and in any  language (
  • Enjoy our monthly magazine, M-U-M, which is filled with magic news, interviews, and new magic effects to learn and study.  Our electronic version (which you’ll find at has access to bonus content, including videos.  All past issues of M-U-M magazine are online for you to peruse.  We also have a new search feature for you to look up specific effects and topics from every issue published.
  • Become a member of a local Assembly.  Whether you have a local Assembly nearby or not, you are always welcome to visit any of the more than 200 Assemblies around the world.
  • Attend the S.A.M. convention.  Magicians from around the world showcase their talents and is packed with top magic dealers, one of a kind lectures, and special presentations.  Members get a discounted rate on the convention registration.
  • Obtain liability insurance at a low discounted rate for your magic endeavors.
  • Join in with our social media presence, whether Facebook (Official S.A.M. Page), Instagram, or Twitter.  You can also keep connected daily with to the members via our SAMTalkMagic newsgroup.  We also have our Backstage SAM podcast that features stories presented for magic fans.

Read more about the S.A.M.

Connect With Us

PO Box 24226 | Denver, CO 80224

303. 362. 0575
