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Advertising with the S.A.M. |
The Society of American Magicians has a variety of ways for you to get your products and services known to our members. We have various advertising campaigns available in M-U-M Magazine, v1.1 online seminars, Backstage S.A.M. podcast,
the S.A.M. Community forum, and banner ads.
Download a copy of the current M-U-M Ad Rates by Clicking HERE. (effective Oct 2024)All inquiries can be directed to Advertising Coordinator John Sturk, Magazine
M-U-M is published monthly by The Society of American Magicians for thousands of members worldwide. Please compare our advertising rates to those of other magic magazines. Because of our considerably lower rates and large circulation we sincerely believe M-U-M offers the best advertising value in the magic magazine business. In addition to the print version of M-U-M, an easy to navigate online version is available to members at the S.A.M. website. In every issue, the ads are hyperlinked and clickable, which means that a reader can immediately go from the magazine to an advertiser’s website. This feature is of tremendous benefit to M-U-M advertisers. ONLINE: Full and half-page ads include one month on the S.A.M. site, as do all ads running for six months or more. Web-only ads are priced at $65 per month.
Ad formatsBoth color and black-and-white ad layouts may be submitted as digital files on CDs, DVDs, emailed (under 10MB), or as digital files (larger than 10MB) sent via Dropbox or www. to Alan Howard at:
SpecificationsLine art and bitmap images must measure 1200 DPI at the intended dimensions of the ad. Digital files with flattened CMYK or grayscale TIFs or JPGs must have a minimum resolution ol 300 DPI. Color ads must he submitted as CMYK (not RGB). Files must be print-quality PDF documents (with all fonts and graphics embedded) at a minimum resolution of 300 DPI.
Live Print SurfaceFor full-page color or black-and-white ads, the live-print surface is 7.5 by 10 inches, and all text and graphics must be within the live-print surface. Background bleeds are only available on full-page ads. The bleed must be oversized 9.5 by 12 inches, with the live print area centered on the background page.
Creative ServicesFull layout and design services are available. These production services are invoiced at an hourly rate, with a firm quotation given after your proposed ad copy and graphics have been received and checked. For custom designed ads, allow two weeks lead time beyond the reservation dates listed on the current Ad Placement Schedule.
CorrectionsAds that do not meet the standards outlined here and require corrections or special treatment (such as resizing), will be charged an additional fee for this work.
Ad ReservationsSpace must be reserved by the 20th of the month that is two months prior to the ad’s appearance month. For example, if you wish to run your ad In the April issue, a reservation must be confirmed by February 20th. See Schedule of Deadlines on reverse side. For reservations contact Ad Coordinator John Sturk at
Ad SubmissionsFiles for your ad must be received no later than the last day of the same month that your reservation was made. For example: The file for your April ad reserved on February 20th, must be in our system by February 28th. (This is because the April issue goes to the printer within the first week of March.)
Ad MaterialsSend all ad materials to: Alan Howard, editor, M-U-M magazine.
Ad PlacementUnless you reserve an advertising space that specifies page placement (such as the back cover or the inside frontcover), the positioning of ads is at the discretion of the magazine’s editorial staff.
PaymentAn invoice will be issued the day tear sheets for the upcoming issue are received by the advertising manager. Invoices are emailed and a statement is emailed along with a digital “tear sheet” of your ad. Payment is due within ten days of the billing date.
Payments can be accepted by check, Mastercard, Visa, or Paypal.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact John Sturk,
Publication Schedule AdsWe now offer web-only advertising for $65 per month. Web advertising is included with full- or half-page ads in M-U-M Magazine, or with any magazine ad purchase for six months or more. Sponsorshipsv1 Family of Web BroadcastsWe offer Sponsorship opportunities for our monthly v1.1 webinars, v1.2 workshops, v1.3 webinars for Western Europe, and v1.4 Spanish-language webinars. Contact John Sturk to discuss rates and schedules. Backstage S.A.M. PodcastOur flagship podcast, Backstage S.A.M., is a publicly-available program listed on Apple Podcasts. Spotify, and all other major platforms. Hosted by Bruce Kalver, the program spotlights interesting stories and personalities within the magic community. Contact John Sturk to discuss rates. National ConferenceWe offer multiple levels of sponsorship for our National Conference, ranging from advertising in our conference program, providing materials to attendees, and live-read sponsorship messages during conference activities. Contact John Sturk to discuss the solutions to best fit your target and your budget. S.A.M. Community added a members-only forum, known as the S.A.M. Community, that every member automatically has access to. Think of it as our own, private social media platform without the difficulties encountered with using the mainstream social media services. Sponsored posts and pinned posts can be made to promote your products or services. Contact John Sturk to discuss rates.
7/3/2025 » 7/5/2025
S.A.M. Nashville Conference