Select Your Member Type



Assembly, Junior Assembly, or Associate Member. - $65 yearly

Full access to website (Includes Digital M-U-M)

Also available - Printed M-U-M Magazine for an additional $70 yearly

Household Member (Resides in same household as a Member) 
No M-U-M or website access.  - $25 yearly

College Student (post High School ages 18-24) - Those qualifying for this membership will have all the same benefits of regular membership at a reduced fee -  $25.00 yearly

Active Military (currently serving our country) Those qualifying for this membership will have the same benefits of regular membership including access to Digital M-U-M at a reduced fee. - $35 yearly 

Trial Member Allows you to access the M-U-M online and the website for three months: - $20. (This amount can be applied towards your full membership.) 

Final acceptance of members into this Society shall be in accordance with the following: 
After publication of the name of the prospective member in M-U-M, and neither an
 Assembly nor six or more Associate members in good standing have filed an objection
 with reasons, in writing, within 45 days of the first day of the month as the monthly date of
 that issue, the applicant shall become a member in good standing.


S.A.M.Y. Member (Society of American Magicians Youth) Member (Age 7 through 17 inclusive)
includes full access to the website and digital MUM. - $20.00 yearly

Also available - Printed M-U-M Magazine for an additional $70 yearly

S.A.M.Y. Trial Member
Allows a youth member to access the M-U-M Online and the website for six months. -  $10 (6 months)

Reinstatement -Just pay your regular annual dues to resume membership! Please include your member number so we can award you your previous years of membership.

Local Assembly Dues are set by each Assembly and are paid directly to the Assembly Secretary.

    Connect With Us

    PO Box 24226 | Denver, CO 80224

    303. 362. 0575
